Ranger Security in Texas


When it comes to protecting lives and property, today’s private security firms must be able to deal with numerous situations. Whether it’s providing crowd control at a large concert, using armed guards to protect an office building or healthcare facility, or perhaps conducting mobile patrols to keep an apartment complex safe, these and many other duties are performed daily by private security officers. However, when it comes time to choose a private security firm for your business, facility, or event, the process can feel overwhelming. From making sure the firm has the proper licensing and credentials needed to provide security to knowing the guards assigned to you will have the necessary training and experience, these and many other details should be carefully considered when making your selection. For many clients in the Houston area, the logical choice for their private security needs is Ranger Security.

Experienced Personnel

With many private security agencies, a majority of officers will likely have little if any prior experience in security or related fields. But for those employed by Ranger, their backgrounds consist primarily of jobs in law enforcement or as veterans of military service. In fact, Ranger actively recruits applicants with these or similar backgrounds, and often teams up with local veterans groups in an effort to help those leaving military service make a smooth transition into a civilian career. By using these individuals as private security officers, the Ranger protection agency can assure clients the guards assigned to their facilities or events will possess the knowledge, experience, and judgement needed to deal with a variety of situations.

Advanced Security Training

Along with hiring experienced personnel, Ranger Guard and Investigations also makes it a priority to give all officers the most advanced security training in the industry. In many cases, when providing training in security Ranger often meets or exceeds the standards required by most agencies. No matter the type of assignment they will be given, all Ranger officers receive training in such areas as Defensive Tactics, Patrol and Surveillance Methods, Anti-Terrorism Tactics, Emergency Response Methods, First Aid and CPR, and Criminal Law. In addition to these areas of security, those officers who will work special assignments, such as large events or VIP security, will receive training in such areas as Crowd Control, Bag Searches, K-9 Patrols and Security, Firearms Training, and other areas as deemed necessary to protect people and property.

Multi-Faceted Security Assignments

No matter the type of security needed at a business, facility, or special event, Ranger Security Houston is always prepared for any challenge. From the largest industrial plants that may require numerous patrols, video surveillance, and security officers providing access control to the buildings and grounds to having officers who will provide one-on-one security services to a VIP business executive or celebrity, the range of services offered by Ranger is almost endless. Because of this, Ranger has been able to serve clients in Houston and the surrounding area for well over 15 years.

Licensing, Certifications, and Screening

To make sure Ranger hires only the best private security officers, all applicants are required to successfully pass numerous types of aptitude and drug tests, along with extensive background checks. In giving aptitude tests, Ranger is able to put applicants in the position of having to analyze a typical situation they may face on an assignment, then having them choose what they consider to be the best way to deal with the problem. This will not only demonstrate their security knowledge, but also that they have the sound judgement and ability to handle high-stress situations in a professional manner. After these tests are completed, applicants are then given drug tests that surpass industry requirements, ensuring they will be prepared physically and mentally for their assignments. And of course, all officers are subject to background checks that verify their job history, education, personal references, and criminal history. By using this extensive screening process, Ranger can not only have officers who are licensed and certified, but also give clients peace of mind in knowing they have the best of the best protecting them day and night.

Learn More About Ranger

Instead of trusting the safety and security of your event, facility, or business to an agency with little experience or knowledge of today’s sophisticated security procedures, let Ranger Security Houston TX keep your people and property safe. With trained, experienced, and certified officers, there’s no better choice. To learn more and request a consultation, call Ranger Guard and Investigations at 713-357-8225 or visit www.rangerguard.net.